Faith, christianity, atheism, church, deconversion, religion — all abotu loosing your faith.
Category: Deconversion

Waiting for the end of the ages
So a man walks into a bar. No, this is not the start of a joke. This story is happening as we speak in my country, the Netherlands. He is disheveled, dirty, and very confused. He is a bout 25 years old. A few days later he comes […]

“What if we’re just people?”
Christians love conversion testimonies (stories about how people become christian). I am finding I enjoy stories about deconversion: stories about how people start questioning their faith and finally walk away from faith. Christianity, and particularly evangelicalism, is a very strong faith system. It has narrative power, social power, […]

The ruins of my faith
I took this picture last week. I saw the scene in a flash as I was driving to a photography assignment. This small, church-building like shack was being torn down. Filled to the rim with garbage, in total derelict state, with a bulldozer standing by to bring on […]

My process out of faith
How does one ‘loose his (or her) faith? I did not one day wake up and say to myself: from now on I do not believe in Jesus anymore. As I have argued in my last blogpost my deconversion was a long and difficult process. It took about […]

What has happened?
This blog has been dormant for almost seven years. I last blogged on October 8, 2012. I am really not sure why I stopped blogging. As I read back over the last entries in the blog I can see changes were already taking place. One could argue I […]

The Journey continues
I have decided to start blogging again. I have things to say, questions to ask, and conversations I want to have. We live in a complicated world, and I know my opinions do not necessarily make a difference. But I have come to realize that my hesitancy to […]